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Agility Fun

belgian shepherd going through a yellow agility tunnel

Prerequisites: None, Puppy/Canine Principles 1.0 or equivalent recommended

Duration: 5 weeks

Cost: $250


From puppy to senior and from bursting with confidence to nervous nelly, agility is a fun activity for all.


This class focuses on agility as a fun activity rather than a competitive sport. Agility is a great activity to develop your relationship and communication, build confidence and blow off some steam!


Some highlights include learning handling and vocabulary skills, developing confidence in navigating a variety of obstacles such as jumps, tunnel, tire jump, weaves and more.​

Agility Fun

australian shepherd jumping through an agility tire jump

Prerequisites: Completion of Agility Fun 1.0

Duration: 5 weeks

Cost: $250

Are you ready to challenge your previously learnt skills from Agility 1.0?


This class teaches you more advanced sequencing, drills and footwork to elevate your confidence on obstacles. Each activity and layout will be tailored to your dogs needs, whether that be fast and furious or sniffing the flowers while out for a stroll!


Some highlights include strengthening communication, working at a distance, adding more challenging course layouts, working and switching handling sides and more.​


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