Torn nails and scratches will happen when you're least prepared. Get ahead of your next doggie disaster by having a first aid kit ready.
What's In Your DIY Dog First Aid Kit
Here is a list of standard first aid kit essentials. Depending on the type of activities you like to do and your terrain, you may want to add additional items as well.

Absorbent and non-absorbent gauze pads
Adhesive tape
3% Hydrogen peroxide
Alcohol wipes
Styptic powder
OTC antibiotic ointment
Soap & sanitizer
Saline eye solution
Old pair of socks
Picture of your dog (incase they get lost)
Extra collar and leash
Antihistamine & proper dose from your veterinarian
Phone number & address of your veterinarian
Phone number of poison control hotline
Combine all of your items into a backpack or container. Keep one kit in your car, one in your home and a travel kit for hiking.
If you aren't feeling up to the DIY dog first aid kit challenge, ask your veterinarian if they provide them.

Pet First Aid Training
Consider attending a Pet First Aid course to prepare yourself for the unexpected. The course our team is certified through and recommend is called Walks N Wags.
Stay safe and have fun!