Puppy Principles Level 1

Prerequisite: None, puppies can join 10 days after their initial vaccines up until 5 months old
Length: 5 weeks
Price: $250
This is an exciting first step in your puppies journey where they will form a lifelong positive attitude towards training. You will have ample one-on-one support with two Certified Professional Dog Trainers teaching your class.
You and your puppy will learn how to develop effective communication, all of your basic obedience principles and behavioural principles.
Some highlights include:
Developing a marker and consistent vocabulary
All skills with verbal and hand cues
Heeling on a loose leash
Core foundational skills like sit and down
Sit and Down Stays with duration, distraction and distance
Foundations to a recall
Develop a drop and leave it cue
Place training
Impulse and focus cues and exercises
Resource guarding prevention exercises
House training discussion and troubleshooting
Mouthing prevention and intervention and more!