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Specialty Obedience

Shake things up, achieve a training goal or simply have some fun with these skill focused speciaty classes.

persons shoes and legs with dog laying down beside them looking up

Hounds Around Town

Taking your training to the streets with real life distractions

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Assisting Paws

Giving your dog the skills to help you in daily tasks

border collie laying down in front of a green building in background

Active Engagement

Attaining focus and attention despite distractions

black and white dog walking beside a person

Heeling Skills

Obtaining the skills to make walking joyful for you both

two border collies and a german shepherd laying down at a doorway

Life Skills

Conquering chaos and finding balance and structure in the home

brown and white australian shepherd running in sand

Rocket Recall

Creating a reliable recall your dog happily responds to

german shepherd puppying laying down in a busy market

Calm Canine

Learning how to switch between an active state to a calm state

Holding Paw

Cooperative Care

Build your dog's confidence and cooperation for grooming and vet care with stress-free techniques.

young child with a hat on walking a border collie puppy

Junior Handling

Empowering the younger generation to have positive relationships with their dog

Train smarter,

not harder!

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